2020-2025 Classes
Rabbi Kaplan conducts weekly Torah classes at Ohav Zedek and the Friedman JCC. Please click the links below to listen to recordings (.mp3 format).
Torah Classes
Feb. 27 - "Esther's Question"
Feb. 20 - "Haman: Mr. Preparation"
Feb. 13 - "Do or Do Not"
Feb. 5 - "The Big Kvetch"
Jan. 30 - "The Prisoner of Zenda"
Jan. 9 - "Days of Future Past"
Jan. 2 '25 - "This is Chanukah"
Dec. 25 - "I Rise Because I Fall"
Dec. 12 - "Defeat from the Jaws of Victory"
Dec. 5 - "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde"
Nov. 25 - "Camelot"
Nov. 7 - "Before the Deluge"
Oct. 30 - "Genesis: Hashem's Invisible Touch"
Sep. 26 - "Reclaiming Our Souls"
Sep. 18 - "He Who Laughs Last"
Sep. 11 - "We Must Never Forget"
Sep. 5 - "Did Porky Pig Keep Kosher?"
Aug. 29 - "Unchained Melody"
July 18 - "Bilaam University"
July 1 - "The Great Debate"
June 27 - "The War of Words"
May 22 - "Book of Ruth Class #1 Second Chances"
May 30 - "Book of Ruth Class #2 The Kindness of Strangers"
Jun. 5 - "Book of Ruth Class #3 Through the Eyes of a Stranger"
May 15 - "OU Torah Call"
May 16 - "The Hope of Rabbi Akiva"
May 6 - "Darkness: Then & Now"
Apr. 18 - "So Let It Be Written, So Let It Be Done"
Apr. 4 - "The New Moon Landing"
Mar. 11 - "The Run for the Roses"
Feb. 26 - "Counting Our Blessings"
Feb. 22 - "Rise of Haman"
Feb. 8 - "Sense and Sensibility"
Jan. 29 - "Who is like Your Nation, Israel?"
Jan. 25 - "The Big Kvetch"
Jan. 18 - "The Exodus: Playing Games with Yul Brynner"
Jan. 11 - "A Rose by Any Other Name"
Jan. 1, '24 - "Holding Out for a Hero"
Dec. 28 - "Israel's Hope"
Dec. 18 - "The Joseph Identity"
Dec. 11 - "Seeing the Light in a Time of Darkness"
Dec. 7 - "I Dreamed a Dream"
Oct. 30 - "Israel, One Nation Upon The Earth"
Oct. 19 - "Genesis: The Big Inning"
Sep. 28 - "Sukkot"
Sep. 11 - "Rosh Hashanah"
Aug. 31 - "Chancing Upon Destiny"
June 21 - "Dispute and the Road to Hell"
June 8 - "Sticks and Stones"
May 24 - "Do You Want My Torah? Cowabunga!"
May 11 - "Missing the Forest for the Trees"
Mar. 30 - "Passover Haggadah"
Mar. 16 - "Why a Golden Calf?"
Mar. 2 - "The Run for the Roses"
Feb. 16 - "Inlaws and Outlaws"
Feb. 6 - "Kvetching About Miracles"
Feb. 2 - "Haman & Hitler's Origin Story"
Jan. 12, '23 - "Exodus: My Name Is Nobody"
Dec. 26 - "I Dreamed a Dream"
Dec. 8 - "Are Chanukah Harry and Santa Claus Friends"
Dec. 1 - "The Art of the Con"
Nov. 21 - "The Laughter of Sodom"
Nov. 10 - "A Man Hears What He Wants To Hear"
Oct. 27 - "A Towering Sin"
Oct. 13 - "Dancing Past The Graveyard"
Sep. 21 - "He Who Laughs Last"
Sep. 14 - "Royalty"
Sep. 7 - "Chance & Circumstance"
Jul. 27 - "Kamtza & Bar Kamtza"
Jul. 20 - "The Grand Illusion"
Jul. 14 - "Bilaam and the Golden Calf"
Jul. 7 - "Death, Be Not Proud"
Feb. 28, '22 - "Shemoneh Esrei"
Oct. 21 - "Keeping Up Appearances"
Oct. 14 - "The Most Unkindest Cut of All"
Oct. 4 - "Flooding the Tower of Babylon"
Sep. 13 - "Checking the Yom Kippur Clock Every 5 Minutes"
Sep. 2 - "For Whom the Bell Tolls"
Jun. 28 - "The Golden Calf: Welcome to the Grand Illusion"
Jun. 15 - "Korach and the Road to Hell"
May. 24 - "Parshat Beha'alotecha"
Apr. 12 - "Rabbi Akiva"
Mar. 8 - "Dayeinu"
Feb. 24 - "The Chance of a Lifetime"
Jan. 11, '21 - "A Rose By Any Other Name"
Dec. 21 - "I Dreamed a Dream in Time Gone By"
Dec. 8 - "Galaxies for Peanuts"
Nov. 30 - "When Dr. Jekyll became Mr. Hyde"
Nov. 18 - "Hunting Esau"
Nov. 9 - "Camelot"
Nov. 4, '20 - "Lessons from Simon & Garfunkel"
Book of Esther Classes (2022)
Book of Esther Part 6
Book of Esther Part 5
Book of Esther Part 4
Book of Esther Part 3
Book of Esther Part 2
Book of Esther Part 1
Pesach Workshop Class
Class 1
Pirkei Avot ZOOM Classes (Apr-May '20)
Class #1
Class #2
Class #3
Class #4
In 2020, Rabbi Kaplan had recorded pre-Shabbat messages on each week's parsha to YouTube during the lockdown. Click the link below to visit the channel.
Ohav Zedek YouTube